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  • Writer's pictureMichael Burns

Keep your Burning Area Clear

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

When you're burning a candle, take care to keep the area where you're lighting it clear of debris or furniture.

When you're burning a candle, take care to keep the area where you're lighting it clear of debris or furniture. Safety is paramount when you're dealing with candles. Our candles bring a lot of joy and a sense of playful fun, not to mention wonder at how we got those perfect smells. But that sense of fun can make a person think that a candle is a toy. It isn't.

Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but they are also potentially dangerous. A candle and its particles can ignite furniture, curtains, or a carpet and can quickly lead to a problem. Make sure the candle is clear of any other objects that are flammable. This includes furniture, bedding, curtains, carpet, paper, and anything else that could potentially catch fire. Clean your candle to make sure there is no dust, and burn it in a well-ventilated room. Do not burn a lot of candles in a very small room. If you are going to burn more than one candle, place them at least 3 inches apart so they will not melt each other or create large flames. Do not burn a candle in an area with a fast-moving fan or significant natural (or ventilated) air current.

Thinking about these things lets you enjoy your candle without worrying about an accident. We've taken precautions to secure the wick and to minimize the chance that the flame of our candles can extend beyond the container. But to be 100% safe, your attention is needed. Being aware of these simple tips can make a massive difference and take any stress away from your 10 Scents experience.


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